Google+ Extension Allows Real-Time Text Collaboration in Hangouts

An experimental Google+ extension allows users to share and collaborate on text-based files within Hangouts
A Developer named Mohamed Mansour, who created  the Facebook Friend Exporter, Now has created an experimental Google Chrome extension called Hangout Pad for Google+, which adds document collaboration capabilities to Hangouts, the multi-person video chat feature available on Google’s social networking platform.

Mansour developed this extension without access to an official Google+ API—since one doesn’t exist—meaning that this Hangouts add-on was a “fairly complex hack.” However, this hack is quite welcome. By allowing users to share text-based files, the extension is an excellent way for developers to collaborate on writing code, for example.

However, downloaders beware: Even Mansour maintains that this extension is “horribly buggy.” Still an alpha product, the add-on also doesn’t seem to work on Mac computers at all, so don’t depend on this tool quite yet for a mission-critical situation.

To use the extension, install the add-on from the Chrome Web Store, then go into Google+ to start a Hangout. The extension does the rest from there: The text-editing interface appears directly in the Hangout window, above the video screens. However, make sure your Hangout participants also have the extension installed, otherwise collaborating text-based files won’t work.

Soucre :Techcrunch 

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