We have Found a Solution for this just Follow the below steps to recover your chats on your Phone.
1. You need to copy the whatsapp database.
On Android, either get this file:
(crypted database on SD card, can be created by starting backup from whatsapp advanced settings)
or these files:
/data/data/com.whatsapp/databases/msgstore.db and wa.db
(For this you need root access. The advantage is that the corresponding contact names of phone numbers will be displayed.)
On IPhone, get this file:
(You can use an Iphone Backup Tool to get the file, e.g. I-Twin or Iphone Backup Extractor. Make sure to create an unencrypted backup with Itunes, as these tools can’t handle encrypted backups. Another possibility are forensic tools like UFED Physical Analyzer.)
2. Copy the database(s) to a certain folder on your computer.
3. Extract this archive (with whatsapp_xtract.py, whatsapp_xtract.bat, …) to the certain folder
4. You need Python and (for Android msgstore.db.crypt decryption) the PyCrypto library
The easiest way is to install ActivePython (on Windows choose 32bit version even if you have 64bit windows):
Download it from here
and then (for PyCrypto) run install pyCrypto.bat (contained in this archive)
(pyCrypto.bat will execute: pypm install pycrypto)
PyCrypto |
or whatsapp_xtract_console.bat and then manually specify the input file with one of these commands:
For Android DB:
python whatsapp_xtract.py -i msgstore.db -w wa.db
OR (if wa.db is unavailable)
python whatsapp_xtract.py -i msgstore.db
OR (for crypted db)
python whatsapp_xtract.py -i msgstore.db.crypt
For iPhone DB: (-w option is ignored)
python whatsapp_xtract.py -i ChatStorage.sqlite
Once finished, your browser will open and show the chats.
The .html file will be slightly bigger in size than the .db database.
In Case if you find some issues write to us in comments we will come back to you!
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