Facebook Says"Google Plus Has No Users"

The two Social Networking Giants Google+ and Facebook are now in field and are in great Competition.The Growth of Google+ is Worrying Facebook.To compete with Google+ Facebook rushed into a discussion to Launch its Half baked Video chat
which is too buggy and constantly rolling out updates.

However ,Last week Google+ added a feature 'Games' to compete with Facebook.Games were also the reason why People  spend a lot of time  on Facebook. Facebook Biggest Source of revenue is Games.It Takes 30%of Earnings from games.
Google+ Games ,though seems more developer friendly takes only 5%.
According to the Digitizor ,Sean Ryan ,Director of Facebook Games Partnership said:

Google has emulated aspects of our system, which is what they have the right to do. We just need to be better. Google is at 5% because they don't have any users

At an Estimated 25 Million Google +users , is only about 3% of total Facebook User's that is 750 million users.

Now the Question is can Google + Challenge Facebook in the term's of user's number? 

The Problem with Google+ is that it failed in attracting the normal users.It is know to only Geek's and some computer Literates. Facebook works Fine Right Now and Google+ offers nothing to attract users and make them to switch Google+.

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