Write your Name in Braille Style

It always been a Fascinating and Interesting How Blind Peoples read messages by just moving their fingers on those tiny Dots.
They writing or reading style they used to communicate is Braille Style.It enables Blind People to read of write through touch.They just run their fingers through this Tiny Dots to read the message.

Braille Generator  is a interesting tool to convert your name in to Braille Style.
Isn't it fun to see how your name looks in Braille style.
If you have Friends who are Blind you can also send Messages, Greetings, Letters, Wishes to Them.

My Name(Kartik) in Braille Style

Braille Translator also allows you to print your message and after printing the message just drop tiny drops of glue on each "raised" dot to make your message feel kind of like real braille. Give it a try!

I have also found a Braille Font available for Windows and Mac, You can download and install it in your PC and use it in your Word Documents.

I think this is an interesting way to send secret messages among friends.
Have Fun !

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